Help Us
The Society’s main expenditures relate to the Root Cellar premises, including licences for Ancestry and Find My Past (FMP), printing and mailing the quarterly Journals, and IT / communications. Set against the costs, our income is mainly from subscriptions, sales of publications, royalties from FMP for online data, and donations. However, our largest income, in-kind, is from the greatly appreciated efforts of many volunteers, all of them unpaid.
Please reflect if you can support the Society, be it through a financial contribution or through offering your time. The buttons below will take you in one instance to a page for making a cash donation, gratefully received, or to contacting the Secretary if you feel you can offer time. The two drop-down menu elements in this ‘Help Us’ section give more details on working in the Root Cellar, the outdoors or from your own home.
Thank you for considering us!