Join the Society

The Huddersfield and District Family History Society is open to anyone with an interest in finding out about their ancestors, whether you live locally or far afield. Membership will run for twelve months from the time of joining.

Becoming a Society Member can be done in a variety of ways. Our preferred way, as it places least demand on Society time and resources, is online. Simply choose the type of membership you would like from the buttons at the foot of the page and you will then be taken to the payment page. The default payment method is by credit card. If you want to use Paypal, click once on the Paypal button AND THEN, fill in your details, scroll to the bottom of the form and click on the button saying ‘Sign Up’. You should then be through to the payment screen of your choice.

However, if you don’t wish to renew online, you can pay by BACS bank transfer (bank details on the right) or by cheque. For both of these methods, please use your surname as a reference so that the payment can be linked to your membership. Alternatively, you can visit our Root Cellar resource centre (HD9 5NW) and make your payment by card, cash or cheque. Finally, if you set up a Standing Order please ensure that this is directed to our correct bank account, details on the right, with the correct membership fee from the category of your choice . Again, please use your surname as the payment reference.

If you have any questions, please message the Membership Secretary using the Contact button on the right or visit/phone the Root Cellar for advice. The Membership Secretary is here to help and we look forward to receiving your continued and valued support, because without our members we wouldn’t have such a great Society.


Lloyds Bank

Huddersfield & District Family History Society

Sort Code: 30-96-26

A/c. No. 80494868

Student Membership

Membership for an individual aged 16-25 years and in full-time education. Members will receive a digital version of the quarterly Journal. which will also be available in the Members Area of the website. Pay by Paypal Account or with Credit/Debit Card via Stripe.

NOTE – when all details in the registration form are completed, scroll to bottom of page and press SIGN UP button.

£ 6.00

Electronic Membership

Membership for an individual resident in the UK or overseas. This rate includes an emailed, digital version of the journal, which will also be available on the website. Pay by Paypal Account or with Credit/Debit Card via Stripe.

NOTE – when all details in the registration form are completed, scroll to bottom of page and press SIGN UP button.

£ 12.00

Standard Membership

Membership for up to two people resident at the same address in the UK. This rate includes a printed, mailed copy of the quarterly Journal. If you are non-UK-resident, please use the Electronic or Overseas Membership category. Pay by Paypal Account or with Credit/Debit Card via Stripe.

NOTE – when all details in the registration form are completed, scroll to bottom of page and press SIGN UP button.

£ 15.00

Overseas (Airmail)

Membership for both individuals and families who are not resident in the UK. This rate includes a printed, air-mailed copy of the quarterly Journal. Pay by Paypal Account or with Credit/Debit Card via Stripe.

NOTE – when all details in the registration form are completed, scroll to bottom of page and press SIGN UP button.

£ 25.00