Make a Donation
Donations of funds are greatly appreciated by the Society and there are a number of ways below to make them. The first button on the left is for payments by Credit or Debit Card, processed through the Stripe system. The next possibility, clicking on the ‘Donate’ button, is through the PayPal system, where payment can be made in a number of currencies. Finally, clicking the link on the right takes you to Give as you Live, where it is also possible to make a UK Gift Aid declaration. Thank you for your generosity.
Credit or Debit Card
To donate via Credit or Debit Card, please click here. The Society uses Stripe, which accepts a wide range of credit and debit cards.
Very convenient for those of you who wish to donate through your PayPal account.
Give as you Live
To donate via the Give as you Live website, using a credit or debit card in UK Pounds only, please click here. UK tax payers may also make a Gift Aid declaration with their donation.
You can also select HDFHS as your chosen charity when you use the Give as You Live website to access over 4,000 stores including Ancestry, Boots, Expedia, John Lewis and Waterstones. Give as you Live will then direct a percentage of your spend into funds for our charity! Simply join up or, if already a member, sign in to Give as you Live with HDFHS as your target charity, enter your chosen retailer in the search box at the top of the page and start shopping. It’s that simple.