The Society has a long history in working through historical records and making them accessible to a wider audience. As technologies have changed over time, so have the Society’s products. The old church records that were faithfully transcribed, or copied, and then painstakingly checked have seen a progression of media over the years, from paper and microfiche through to CDs, file downloads from our website and online searching through an agreement with Find My Past.
If you take a look at our extensive range of products you will see now that the vast majority of our transcribed parish records are available as instant downloads from our shop.
In addition to our self-authored products, the Society is honoured to sell products from other parties, such as the the Honley Civic Society and the works of the late George Redmonds, a recognised authority on surnames and place-names of Yorkshire. These and others form a core group of genealogical books including biographies, local histories, place and name guides and aspects of family history research. Very useful for reference materials and also perfect as presents!
All of our products are available for sale and you can browse and buy in the Shop. Click on the link below and see what there is to offer.